Documents my intellectual, psychological, philosophical, and physical pursuit of the
38th American Birkebeiner: Saturday, February 26, 2011.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm Back!

Last spring -- just a couple of months after the Birkie -- I injured myself. Had some problems with my left foot. Plantar fasciitis actually. But I slowly let it heal and then just a few weeks later I hit the trails again. However during the time I was hurt I went and bought a new pair of running shoes. I went to the store with my old ones, the ones that got me through around 450 miles of training. However rather than just putting me in the same shoe, the woman at the store talked me into buying shoes a half size bigger.

After my foot healed things went well for a while -- that is until I ran through Elver Park on a wet morning. About half way through the run I felt a tweak in one of my left toes. No big deal I figured, I simply finished the run without much thought. However when I took off my shoe I noticed a huge red splotch on my socks. Under the sock I found a huge blister -- actually only the remnants of a blisters -- that covered the entire top fourth of my toe. It was ugly; it was painful, and it took me out for about 10 days.

Then after I recovered from that I stuck to the dry pavement for a couple of runs. Eventually however the lure of Elver took me back. And again, running on a damp morning my blister came back ... and then because I babied the toe my shin splints reappeared; a lifetime problem of mine, but one that I hadn't felt for at least a year. These two issues sidelined me for another month.

So as the school year started it was painfully obvious that I had lost much of the fitness level I had worked so hard to attain. Still though, I figured with a good snow season I could ski myself into shape and fight my way through at least half of the Birkie (the Kortelopet they call it). But as all of us know here in the Midwest, our snow season was awful -- only skied three times and I therefore dropped out of the race about three weeks before. A smart move, but a frustrating one just the same.

Well anyway this spring I have been back on the trails. Taking it slow. Staying off wet grass and wet trails. And today I had my best run in over a year.

About six miles in about hour and three minutes. I do believe I am back. I do believe the Birkie is back in my mind for next February.

At least I am keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Running is a tough game as you get older. I've had to continually dial back my distances as I've aged. I used to run in our local 10K every year, but now I'm just a volunteer marshal.

    Good luck with your Birkie training.


  2. Thanks Tim,

    Running as we get older is incredibly tough ... yet still, it's a place I find great joy! Just gotta hang in there with the Birkie. Along ways away at his point.
