Documents my intellectual, psychological, philosophical, and physical pursuit of the
38th American Birkebeiner: Saturday, February 26, 2011.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

As Fall Turns Toward Winter

90 days to the Birkie...

90 days of sweat...
90 days of fitness...
90 days of pain...
90 days of progress...
90 days of priorities...
90 days of joy...
90 days of discipline...
90 days of toughness
90 days of strength...

90 days of birkyness...


  1. Good luck Larry with your goal. And thanks for stopping by my little nature blog. In case you missed it, I do have another blog with an occasional book review and other musings. :)

  2. Thanks for the support TB. The times are bit challenging right now...pretty cold and icy to run in, and not enough snow to ski on.

    More snow expected Thursday. Hopefully I can be on the trails by Saturday.
