Documents my intellectual, psychological, philosophical, and physical pursuit of the
38th American Birkebeiner: Saturday, February 26, 2011.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Heading North ...

First Significant Snow of the Season in Midwest

Hello, winter! The first significant snowfall of the season is making its move toward the Upper Midwest and it's targeting Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Yes, we're talking accumulating snow; the shoveling and plowing kind of snow! Excited? Yes I am.

Two to four inches expected (and hoped for) on the Birkie Trail. Minneapolis is expecting six to ten. Now this is a good start to the season. 


  1. We missed it. A hundred miles north in the Twin Cities - a foot. My biking season is over too. Am very carefull about ice and my artificial knee.

  2. TB,

    Truthfully I am in no hurry to begin shoveling snow, but I can't wait to throw on the skis. Unfortunately no sign of any snow down here in Madison.
