Documents my intellectual, psychological, philosophical, and physical pursuit of the
38th American Birkebeiner: Saturday, February 26, 2011.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gradual Progress: Proof

On March 17th, about three weeks after I announced my intent to pursue the American Birkebeiner, I weighed in at 199.5 pounds. I am not a huge guy, and after losing some pounds the previous year my weight had increased (much) higher than I was comfortable with. Since reaching a high of 207 pounds in June of 2008, I vowed to never get back into the 200 pound range again. The weight gain frustrated me, because I was feeling like I was in decent shape. I was running or walking nearly everyday and was trying to watch what I ate. I was in training, and yet it didn't seem to matter as my weight slowly ticked north.

So on March 17th I vowed to change my lifestyle...mainly my eating and drinking habits. No more Coca-Cola, no more huge glasses of milk, no more late night snacks, no sugar packed cookies. Combined with my running, I slowly started taking off the pounds. My belt moved to the next hole, and my runs slowly gained length and elevation. Three times in the past week I ran my four hill Elver Park loop, each time getting just a little bit faster. The loop is about 5 miles and it is challenging. I also found a website that allows me very easily to log my eating habits. It's working. This morning I weighed in at 189 pounds. Every week I am feeling more fit. And lighter. And gaining confidence that I will indeed ski the Birkie next February.


  1. Congrats! Today I join you in I have my next hike coming up June 18 to the 23rd. Back to the diet....

    Thaks for the inspiration!

  2. Kia ora Larry,
    Wow I can't imagine you at over 200lbs! That is excellent news and good work. The weight tends to creep on slowly but surely. In my case whilst I kept my exercise levels high I never lessened my eating habits and as a result have been losing that battle. Which never my hip any good to be sure. So getting the weight right through better eating is essential.

  3. Robb,

    All the weight sat right in the belly. I wore big enough clothes that it wasn't easy to tell, as most people did not see me as heavy. But now I am certain I will never get that big again...and I am really enjoying tightening the belt buckle.
